EyeVit - Prolonged Release Tablets

Pack of 30 Tablets It is well known that the eyes, like every other organ in the body, need proper nourishment.  EyeVit Tablets by HealthAid are specially formulated to safeguard the intake of important nutrients which contribute to the maintanance of healthy eyes.

EyeVit Tablets may be of benefit to:

  • Those who wish to help keep the eyes looking bright and sparkling clean
  • People with blood shot eyes as it helps keep the eyes moist so that they do not dry up
  • Those who wish to prevent dark circles and bags under the eyes due to lack of sleep and the stress and strains of every day of life
  • Those who wish to enhance the integrity of the skin around the eyes, helping to reduce crows feet and wrinkles
  • Those who need to ensure proper nourishment to the eyes
  • Those who have been repeatedly exposed to smoke and sunlight


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